How-To VideosThese short videos show you how to register for and use Central Stockyards and the Fed Cattle Exchange. Click here to view all videos on our YouTube channel.Register For a New AccountLength: 1:30Login to Central StockyardsLength 0:33View Listings in an Upcoming SaleLength: 0:23Move Between ExchangesLength 0:23View a Live AuctionLength: 0:34Browse ListingsLength 0:49Freight CalculatorLength: 0:30features for sellersbid-the-gridTMLength: 1:17Accepting High BidsLength 0:49features for buyershow to bidLength: 1:32What Can We Help You Find?SearchSubmitClearInformationHomeMarket InsightsMarket ReportsFAQHow-To VideosAboutFed Cattle ExchangeFeeder Cattle ExchangeBreeding Cattle Exchange